Wednesday 28 December 2011

a family Christmas

It started with just two of us, dressing the tree, decorating the house and wrapping presents to get ready for Steve's third Christmas since diagnosis. On Friday evening we were joined by our son, Jack, and then we were three. 

After some last minute shopping on the morning of Christmas Eve, we spent the afternoon with our dear friends, Jonathan, Sally and Gabby, where we toasted the festive season with Prosecco, were tempted by delicious nibbles, caught up on each other's news and exchanged presents - the perfect start to the holiday weekend!  We collected our daughter Katie from the station on the way back and then we were four for the Christmas Eve meal at home.

Christmas Day was relaxed - opening our "stockings' before a late breakfast (that nice Father Christmas remembered the grown-ups again this year to our delight!) followed by the presents under the tree later.  

The rest of the day seemed to revolve around preparing, eating and clearing away after the main meal....

....After a lazy Christmas Day, we were eager for some fresh air.  Steve, Katie and I went out for a walk late in the morning on Boxing Day to blow the cobwebs away. Later that day, we were joined by Katie's boyfriend Ed so there were five of us sitting down to the Boxing Day meal that evening....

The house seems very quiet now by comparison!  

Katie and Ed left yesterday afternoon, heading north. Steve, Jack and I went to see Grimm and Grimmer at the theatre last night - a wonderful combination of slapstick, fantasy, magic and audience participation!  Jack returned to Bristol this morning and, once again, we are temporarily back to just the two of us with a little bit of time to catch up on the blog, read about what other people have been up to, make arrangements to see other friends in the coming days and reflect on how fortunate we have been to enjoy another family Christmas together!

At the back of our minds lurk thoughts about what next Christmas will bring, but such thoughts will stay at the back of our minds I hope, while we get on and enjoy the here and now and make the most of life before Steve's next assessment - and maybe even allow ourselves to look a little further ahead in 2012?  As Jack pointed out, no one knows for sure what the future holds.  However, that doesn't stop most people thinking about and making plans to do things beyond the next three months.  As the New Year approaches, perhaps we should look a little beyond the self-imposed time horizons of the quarterly hospital assessments when we think about 2012 and what we hope to do in the spring and summer.....

Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, we hope you are having a wonderful festive season!  Stay positive :-)

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