Tuesday 27 October 2009

Little things mean a lot...Cycle 5, Day 8

Yesterday we had an unexpected visit from our next door neighbour bearing a gift bag full of home-baked goodies and a plate of wobbly blancmange with raspberries - what a lovely surprise!  

The proprietor of Hope House in Woodstock e-mailed to say that a lot of people had come to look at my exhibition over the weekend, which was very thoughtful of him.

We continue to have messages of support from friends, especially when they can see from the blog that the side effects of chemo are making life is a bit challenging at the moment.  

These little things mean such a lot.  Thank you, all.

Steve's body clock is still working perfectly....problem is, it's still an hour out of synch with the rest of the UK since the clocks went back at the weekend.  Still, we managed to drop back off to sleep after this morning's rude awakening episode with the emergency bedside bucket (which seems to be the norm these days) and start again when the alarm went off at the normal time for a hospital day.

Although the chemo side-effects are a pain, we did get out yesterday for a walk into town to post a CD with our submissions for Portfolio 2, a photographic book showcasing the work of members of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS).  Oxford city centre looked wonderful in the October light and it was so warm for this time of the year. Quite beautiful.  

I went back into town later for my seasonal flu jab and a quick trip to the Botanic Gardens to check the name of a plant for an image title (and here is the Heliconia - or Lobster Claw as its sometimes called - in question). 

Steve was in a flat panic when I arrived home, feeling sick and thinking that I had taken all the anti-nausea tablets with me. In fact, I only had the usual emergency packet in my bag. He had another packet in his "hospital" bag, and there was a third in the kitchen which had cunningly gone into hiding under a tea towel. Panic over. Mental note to self: Don't forget to turn on mobile phone when going out....

We should have a supplementary stash of tablets after today's hospital visit.  Perhaps, we should put a packet in every room, so they are always at hand!

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