Saturday, 16 January 2010

Seven months on and still going strong :-)

It's been a week of joy and frustration. 

We had become frustrated by the difficulties of getting out and about in the snow. Then, joy of joys, the thaw started yesterday and by this morning, the blanket of snow has all but disappeared here - just the mini-mountains left where it has been cleared and piled up.  We can see green, at last!

Our attempt to re-stock with food yesterday was thwarted by a car battery so dead that not even a jump start from our neighbour's car could persuade it into life.  It took about five hours before assistance eventually arrived, but then, to Steve's relief, the man managed to get enough life into the old battery to get the car to the dealership, where he promptly fitted a new battery free of charge - problem solved!  Sadly, too late to go food shopping, but there was enough in the store cupboard to concoct something basic...

In the meantime, attempts to order contact lenses were frustrated by the lack of an up-to-date prescription. Frustratingly, it seems that the eye test I'd had in August only covered specs. Luckily the optician managed to fit me in short notice, and it was full steam ahead. I will soon be able to see properly again without wearing my glasses, which get in the way when I'm using the camera...

But the best experience of the week was last night.  I called in briefly to see John, the chair of the local allotment association, to tell him the news about the RHS photography competition and to sound him out about thank you gifts for the association and the holder of allotment featured in the winning image. We ended up talking about Steve's diagnosis and I was given much support by the family who have first hand experience of living with cancer.  Some hours and several glasses of wine later, I was chauffeur driven home with two hot, delicious, home-cooked meals, including five portions of vegetables from the allotment to keep us healthy. The generosity, kindness and support we receive from those we know touches us deeply.  Thank you all, so much.

Which brings me to the headline.  It's now seven months to the day since Steve was diagnosed and he's still going strong.  The nausea and tiredness caused by the chemo has all but disappeared. Without that to distract him, he's now more aware of the tingling in his hands and feet - another side effect of the chemo regime - but it's not so bad as to impact on day-to-day activity.  At the risk of tempting fate, there are no indications at present that Leo is misbehaving, which has to be good news.  

Now there's a bit more colour in the world and traveling is easier, I'm hoping that we can be a bit more active physically and socially.  Opportunities to do that are mainly limited to weekends for the time being, as my intense period of work continues more or less full time until the end of March.  However, there is Valentines and our special meal out to look forward to in the meantime, and a week off around Steve's birthday.  Time now to think about how to celebrate those events and to mark Steve's eight months since diagnosis, which will be the next milestone health-wise.

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