Friday 16 April 2010

ten months on and life is good (all things considered....)

It's ten calender months to the day since Steve was diagnosed with mesothelioma and - at the risk of tempting fate - life is good, all things considered. When last assessed in March, Leo the tumour was still stable and nothing has happened since then it suggest that he is flexing his muscles.  The numbness and tingling in Steve's hands which is a side effect of the chemo is not really noticeable now, and the problem with his toes really does seem to be improving (either that or he's getting used to it...) No cough.  No pain. Just the usual creaky bits of a sixty something with the best part of a lifetime of arthritis.

That's not to say that we have forgotten Leo, or can ignore the inevitable.  Every morning without fail, Steve wakes up and thinks to himself how am I?  Can I feel anything different?  Every time he coughs, or feels tired or not hungry, I wonder - is the cancer flaring up?  Malcolm McClaren's recent death as a result of mesothelioma was a horrible reminder of how aggressive this cancer can be - MMcC went from being active in New York at the end of February to dying in Switzerland in early April.......a very sobering thought. 

However, we are almost at the point where we can make the most of this time whilst Steve is feeling good.  By the middle of next week, I shall be logging off from work and, bar a few days here and there, will be relatively footloose and fancy free.  The appointment with the specialist in London has come through - we'll be seeing Dr Rudd the week after next, so will have the chance, I hope, to sound him out about treatment options.  The damages claim is progressing under someone else's guiding hand, so nothing for us to worry about.  

We've been sociable - a meal out last night with friends from my old work days at the City Council, including Richard, Alison and Clare on a visit from France where they now live.  A get together tomorrow with Ian, another old friend, over from Vietnam...may be for longer than he anticipated, given the effects of the volcanic ash from Iceland on air movements into and out of the UK...

We had a lovely thank you note from the allotment association to say thank you for the picture show at their meeting last week - we are now honorary guests at all future AGMs!  The garden is a jungle of star-like, white clematis flowers, the birds are singling beautifully and the sun has been shining.  

What more can you ask for, apart from a cure for this awful disease? 

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