Wednesday 23 August 2023

Last minute nerves

Tomorrow, Thursday 24 August, is the follow up meeting with the consultant who carried out surgical resection of part of my bowel on 19 July.  Since then, I’ve had one phone call from the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) team a few days after I returned home, but nothing since.  

I was told that it would be a couple of weeks until the pathology results for the removed section of bowel would be available, and the results would be discussed with the Multi Disciplinary Team (MDT) before being passed on to me.  Over the last week or so, I have been expecting to hear from the hospital but no one has been in touch.

I’m hoping that no news is good news, on the basis that if further treatment is required, I’d have heard sooner rather than later.  Now I’ve got last minute nerves…what if they haven’t been in touch because it’s bad news and they would prefer to tell me in person, rather than over the phone?  Mind games in action…

There are only three possible outcomes, as far as I can see:

1.  The mass on the CT scan was benign, rather than cancer so nothing to worry about after all (not that I was going to take that chance!)

2.  The mass was cancer, but had not spread to lymph nodes, so the surgery was curative - no further treatment required 

3.  The mass was cancer and has spread to the lymph system, in which case I assume that further treatment will be recommended and we’ll be discussing options.

I dearly hope that it’s outcome 1 or 2.  I’ll keep you posted.  You keep your fingers crossed for me, please! 

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