Sunday 20 November 2011

In Steve's own words: It's good to talk (and listen)

It's my turn to blog again, and as the title says, it's good to talk. That's what I did on Saturday, talked and listened.

Firstly, mostly listened as we toured the Diamond Light synchotron (Google it) at the Appleton Rutherford Laboratory, and as two children of scientists at the facility demonstrated super-conductors (for pocket money!), and as three proud metal workers in our tour group pointed out the parts of the equipment they had made.

Then talked and listened as we met neighbours in the street, one who we hadn't seen for months (we've been away a lot!), on the way to toast Charlie and Kerri, who had just got married. We talked and listened to them and their tales of near disaster averted with water systems and electricity supplies failing on their honeymoon narrowboat, we are so glad we could offer them our house as a bolt hole, even though we couldn't be there to help and be at the synchotron at the same time (they haven't perfected that experiment yet). And we talked and listened to Charlie's mum Jan and sister Susie.

Then off to listen to Charlie's band in the evening (no, not that Charlie, another one), with more talking to people we hadn't met in ages, one for 20-odd years. Next time we'll get there earlier (sorry Charlie, Dave and crew for crashing in just as you wanted to start your set) and talk to more of you.

A lot of talking and listening and I feel privileged and extremely lucky to be part of all that two and a half years after diagnosis, most don't get that chance. So thanks everybody for talking (and listening) to me, I'll talk to you again in a hundred posts time.

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